Nightingale Umarkoo Wayi

Nightingale Umarkoo Wayi

In progress

Traditional Land Owners: Wurundjeri People

This apartment building designed by Kennedy Nolan, for development by Nightingale Housing represents the ongoing pursuit of this partnership to provide the very best examples of apartment living and development of our urban areas.


This project delivers on the Nightingale principles of building less, to give more - the provision of simple and enduring homes that foster community and healthy, sustainable living.


Architecturally this is manifest by:

  • spatial planning that privileges the user experience,

  • planning and detail that supports sustainable and comfortable apartments,

  • thoughtful and efficient material specification to minimise cost and consumption but maximise experience for users,

  • the use of enduring, low maintenance but beautiful materials,

  • use of materials & details that are of the Coburg landscape and the Sydney Road corridor,

  • a building that celebrates planting and landscape

Consistent with all Nightingale developments this development has an exemplary ESD performance:

  • Min 7.5 star NatHERS thermal rating;

  • 100% fossil fuel free in operation;

  • Zero private car parking, but access to car share vehicles;

  • Minimum 2 bike spaces per apartment;

  • Collection of rainwater for on-site reuse in garden irrigation and common areas;

  • Water efficient tapware, appliances and sanitary fixtures;

  • Electric induction cooking;

  • Photovoltaic array onsite and battery storage to offset communal energy use;

  • Lighting, fixtures and material specifications to maximize thermal, water and energy efficiency;

  • Building envelope and material selection for effective thermal mass;

  • Dual aspect to most apartments for natural ventilation, solar access and light levels;

  • Heat pump for domestic hot water and hydronic heating